Sunday, November 25, 2012

Scientists see promise in deep-learning program

Geoffrey E. Hinton used deep-learning technology to design software.Photo by: Keith Penner
The advances have led to widespread enthusiasm among researchers who design software to perform human activities like seeing, listening and thinking. They offer the promise of machines that converse with humans and perform tasks like driving cars and working in factories, raising the specter of automated robots that could replace human workers.
The technology, called deep learning, has already been put to use in services like Apple’s Siri virtual personal assistant, which is based on Nuance Communications’ speech recognition service, and in Google’s Street View, which uses machine vision to identify specific addresses.
But what is new in recent months is the growing speed and accuracy of deep-learning programs, often called artificial neural networks or just “neural nets” for their resemblance to the neural connections in the brain.
“There has been a number of stunning new results with deep-learning methods,” said Yann LeCun, a computer scientist at New York University who did pioneering research in handwriting recognition at Bell Laboratories. “The kind of jump we are seeing in the accuracy of these systems is very rare indeed.”
Artificial intelligence researchers are acutely aware of the dangers of being overly optimistic. Their field has long been plagued by outbursts of misplaced enthusiasm followed by equally striking declines.
In the 1960s, some computer scientists believed that a workable artificial intelligence system was just 10 years away. In the 1980s, a wave of commercial start-ups collapsed, leading to what some people called the “A.I. winter.”
But recent achievements have impressed a wide spectrum of computer experts. In October, for example, a team of graduate students studying with the University of Toronto computer scientist Geoffrey E. Hinton won the top prize in a contest sponsored by Merck to design software to help find molecules that might lead to new drugs.
From a data set describing the chemical structure of 15 different molecules, they used deep-learning software to determine which molecule was most likely to be an effective drug agent.
The achievement was particularly impressive because the team decided to enter the contest at the last minute and designed its software with no specific knowledge about how the molecules bind to their targets. The students were also working with a relatively small set of data; neural nets typically perform well only with very large ones.
“This is a really breathtaking result because it is the first time that deep learning won, and more significantly it won on a data set that it wouldn’t have been expected to win at,” said Anthony Goldbloom, chief executive and founder of Kaggle, a company that organizes data science competitions, including the Merck contest.
Advances in pattern recognition hold implications not just for drug development but for an array of applications, including marketing and law enforcement. With greater accuracy, for example, marketers can comb large databases of consumer behavior to get more precise information on buying habits. And improvements in facial recognition are likely to make surveillance technology cheaper and more commonplace.
Artificial neural networks, an idea going back to the 1950s, seek to mimic the way the brain absorbs information and learns from it. In recent decades, Dr. Hinton, 64 (a great-great-grandson of the 19th-century mathematician George Boole, whose work in logic is the foundation for modern digital computers), has pioneered powerful new techniques for helping the artificial networks recognize patterns.
Modern artificial neural networks are composed of an array of software components, divided into inputs, hidden layers and outputs. The arrays can be “trained” by repeated exposures to recognize patterns like images or sounds.
These techniques, aided by the growing speed and power of modern computers, have led to rapid improvements in speech recognition, drug discovery and computer vision.
Deep-learning systems have recently outperformed humans in certain limited recognition tests.
Last year, for example, a program created by scientists at the Swiss A. I. Lab at the University of Lugano won a pattern recognition contest by outperforming both competing software systems and a human expert in identifying images in a database of German traffic signs.
The winning program accurately identified 99.46 percent of the images in a set of 50,000; the top score in a group of 32 human participants was 99.22 percent, and the average for the humans was 98.84 percent.

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This summer, Jeff Dean, a Google technical fellow, and Andrew Y. Ng, a Stanford computer scientist, programmed a cluster of 16,000 computers to train itself to automatically recognize images in a library of 14 million pictures of 20,000 different objects. Although the accuracy rate was low — 15.8 percent — the system did 70 percent better than the most advanced previous one.

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Deep learning was given a particularly audacious display at a conference last month in Tianjin, China, when Richard F. Rashid, Microsoft’s top scientist, gave a lecture in a cavernous auditorium while a computer program recognized his words and simultaneously displayed them in English on a large screen above his head.
Then, in a demonstration that led to stunned applause, he paused after each sentence and the words were translated into Mandarin Chinese characters, accompanied by a simulation of his own voice in that language, which Dr. Rashid has never spoken.
The feat was made possible, in part, by deep-learning techniques that have spurred improvements in the accuracy of speech recognition.
Dr. Rashid, who oversees Microsoft’s worldwide research organization, acknowledged that while his company’s new speech recognition software made 30 percent fewer errors than previous models, it was “still far from perfect.”
“Rather than having one word in four or five incorrect, now the error rate is one word in seven or eight,” he wrote on Microsoft’s Web site. Still, he added that this was “the most dramatic change in accuracy” since 1979, “and as we add more data to the training we believe that we will get even better results.”
One of the most striking aspects of the research led by Dr. Hinton is that it has taken place largely without the patent restrictions and bitter infighting over intellectual property that characterize high-technology fields.
“We decided early on not to make money out of this, but just to sort of spread it to infect everybody,” he said. “These companies are terribly pleased with this.”
Referring to the rapid deep-learning advances made possible by greater computing power, and especially the rise of graphics processors, he added:
“The point about this approach is that it scales beautifully. Basically you just need to keep making it bigger and faster, and it will get better. There`s no looking back now.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Latin and Mexican Products

Street view of Amazon

This project originated about two years ago with this amazing idea to bring Street View
technology to the Amazon as a way to bring people who are online all over
the world to the Amazon to see the beauty of the forests and the beauty
of the river for themselves.
We've decided to start
at the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve.
Where we'll collect images from the river,
and then, collect images
from the community and its surrounding area.
We intend to get images
from some tracks in the forest, to represent
a bit of the community's daily life.
The Street View Trike is a vehicle developed by Google
that uses the cameras that collect Street View images
on top of the cars.
And they've adapted it on top of a tricycle
so that the vehicle can collect images where cars can't go.
We are training employees of the Amazonas Sustainable Foundation
as well as local community members and will be leaving the equipment with them
so that they can continue to share their point of view with
the world and continue to collect data that they would like to see online as well.
Google has an amazing
vision to bring
the world and all its diversity
and all of its beauty to the global
online audience
through Google Maps and Google Earth
and this is one amazing proj

Monday, November 19, 2012

Smadar Perry - Thanks to normalty

SaThanks to normalcy - Smadar Perry
For normality - Smadar Perry
Refreshing, surprising, bold, direct and intriguing, long length list of titles exile, landed on us from Saudi Arabia. Abd al-Latif salts, a former senior officer in the navy of the kingdom and sought after commentator on Arab media, takes the gloves off and lashes out with rulers and intellectuals in the Arab world, with politicians and military commanders, with the angry young generation and who continue to trickle them propaganda. Entitled "Arab Spring and the Israeli enemy," he fires a barrage of questions. Here was a moment Nidam Israeli stirring.
Reminder: The author, a recognized Arab Muslim, and he sees us thousands of miles away. I promised your article is surprising and fall like a bomb.
I decided to write, explains Milhim editorial published in Arabic and English daily "Arab News", after seeing shocking television images: a hungry child in Yemen, kills hundreds of car bombs in Iraq, Syria torched ancient site and abject misery Sinai. I saw the Syrian air force pilots have rained shells on the citizens of their state, and the next day come back and kill women and children. And I ask: Who is the real enemy? Against whom are you fighting? How long will you refuse to recognize Israel? Why Arab countries do not take advantage of the huge defense budgets, hundreds of billions of dollars, programs, education, health, infrastructure, new and improved quality of life. Does anyone dare to ask out loud how wasted until now, and what we could make billions? Do simple arithmetic: on 14 May 48 State of Israel was declared, and the next day the Arabs declared war against it and three wars.
I ask again, insists salts, perhaps our enemy is at a place where dictators exploiting the Arab-Israeli conflict, how it is difficult and complicated to suppress citizen and ignore the basic needs and fundamental rights? Please note, he continues, destruction and devastation are of our own making and alienation from the Arab dictator and the citizens transparent no connection to Israel. Israel marked the enemy, but the real enemy is corruption, disregard for human life, lack of education and health services.
Look, he continues, what the Israelis: they lead in science and technology, they have a high level universities and developed infrastructure. Even the life expectancy of Arabs in Israel, despite the complaints and criticism, much higher than the life expectancy of citizens of Arab countries.
The author continues to tremble picture of child hunger in Yemen, fertile land and rich, could take advantage of them if sirens of war. What is Yemen against Israel? I do not understand. Why Iraqis fleeing from country to earn $ 110 billion from oil exports, and the government takes only himself. How may dictator of Tunisia stole interesting country $ 13 billion. Tell yourself, Who is the enemy?
Went to war against Israel, he snaps, and lost not only on the battlefield. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians became refugees. And now, in the chaos of the Arab Spring, the enemy within, and no one has the time nor the Palestinian prime handle it.
As every time we identify Israeli planes sky Arab countries. But tens of thousands of Syrians do not run away because of the Israeli air force bombs. This Syrian Air Force command murderer dictator from Damascus. And Israel? Arab citizens have freedom of expression and involvement in the state. Was it not an Arab judge sent the President of Israel to jail?
So much for the article. Until now I found a thousand comments. The first, equally stunning, wrote Markets pen, an Arab student Kfar Kassem advises "all true word," and talks about his life as a citizen with equal rights, on his Jewish friends, the computer studies at Tel Aviv University. As Fight is a single advocacy hostile arena, but he opened debate. Paper commonly used in the Arab media, and students interviewed in Deir sprung BBC . True, cursing. But our friend insists on leaving for Saudi Arab intellectuals materials for thought: maybe enough with the Israeli enemy games maybe it came time to save the young generation anger and frustrations channeled in the wrong direction.