Monday, November 19, 2012

Smadar Perry - Thanks to normalty

SaThanks to normalcy - Smadar Perry
For normality - Smadar Perry
Refreshing, surprising, bold, direct and intriguing, long length list of titles exile, landed on us from Saudi Arabia. Abd al-Latif salts, a former senior officer in the navy of the kingdom and sought after commentator on Arab media, takes the gloves off and lashes out with rulers and intellectuals in the Arab world, with politicians and military commanders, with the angry young generation and who continue to trickle them propaganda. Entitled "Arab Spring and the Israeli enemy," he fires a barrage of questions. Here was a moment Nidam Israeli stirring.
Reminder: The author, a recognized Arab Muslim, and he sees us thousands of miles away. I promised your article is surprising and fall like a bomb.
I decided to write, explains Milhim editorial published in Arabic and English daily "Arab News", after seeing shocking television images: a hungry child in Yemen, kills hundreds of car bombs in Iraq, Syria torched ancient site and abject misery Sinai. I saw the Syrian air force pilots have rained shells on the citizens of their state, and the next day come back and kill women and children. And I ask: Who is the real enemy? Against whom are you fighting? How long will you refuse to recognize Israel? Why Arab countries do not take advantage of the huge defense budgets, hundreds of billions of dollars, programs, education, health, infrastructure, new and improved quality of life. Does anyone dare to ask out loud how wasted until now, and what we could make billions? Do simple arithmetic: on 14 May 48 State of Israel was declared, and the next day the Arabs declared war against it and three wars.
I ask again, insists salts, perhaps our enemy is at a place where dictators exploiting the Arab-Israeli conflict, how it is difficult and complicated to suppress citizen and ignore the basic needs and fundamental rights? Please note, he continues, destruction and devastation are of our own making and alienation from the Arab dictator and the citizens transparent no connection to Israel. Israel marked the enemy, but the real enemy is corruption, disregard for human life, lack of education and health services.
Look, he continues, what the Israelis: they lead in science and technology, they have a high level universities and developed infrastructure. Even the life expectancy of Arabs in Israel, despite the complaints and criticism, much higher than the life expectancy of citizens of Arab countries.
The author continues to tremble picture of child hunger in Yemen, fertile land and rich, could take advantage of them if sirens of war. What is Yemen against Israel? I do not understand. Why Iraqis fleeing from country to earn $ 110 billion from oil exports, and the government takes only himself. How may dictator of Tunisia stole interesting country $ 13 billion. Tell yourself, Who is the enemy?
Went to war against Israel, he snaps, and lost not only on the battlefield. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians became refugees. And now, in the chaos of the Arab Spring, the enemy within, and no one has the time nor the Palestinian prime handle it.
As every time we identify Israeli planes sky Arab countries. But tens of thousands of Syrians do not run away because of the Israeli air force bombs. This Syrian Air Force command murderer dictator from Damascus. And Israel? Arab citizens have freedom of expression and involvement in the state. Was it not an Arab judge sent the President of Israel to jail?
So much for the article. Until now I found a thousand comments. The first, equally stunning, wrote Markets pen, an Arab student Kfar Kassem advises "all true word," and talks about his life as a citizen with equal rights, on his Jewish friends, the computer studies at Tel Aviv University. As Fight is a single advocacy hostile arena, but he opened debate. Paper commonly used in the Arab media, and students interviewed in Deir sprung BBC . True, cursing. But our friend insists on leaving for Saudi Arab intellectuals materials for thought: maybe enough with the Israeli enemy games maybe it came time to save the young generation anger and frustrations channeled in the wrong direction.

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